Queer femmegimp Porn Academic and activist whose research brings creativity and theory together. With her personal experience as a disabled person she explores issues of sexual self-representation, embodiment and identity. Want (2007) is her sex-positive reflection on sites of shame as resistance for people with dis_abilities.

American born Berlin based multimedia artist, sex worker and pleasure activist. She took part in a variety of films and performances, exhibited explicit whore-positive work in museums, and shown her cervix internationally.
She pushes boundaries in a sex-positive informing way and shows us how far and well different sex practices can go.

ADINA PINTILIE, Touch me not
Exploring our bodies and sexualities beyond common norms and beauty standards makes us broaden our horizons and overcome restricting limitations. Stereotypes are questioned and intimacy is reclaimed with the power of open minds and bold honesty. Even – or especially people with disabilities are leading the way.

Writer, performer and video artist exploring issues of race and identity
from a queer Chinese-Canadian perspective. He reveals how our views on sexuality are impregnated by prejudices in a fun and loving way.

Producer and director, president and founder of Fatale Media. She produced the first porn films by and for women in the late 80s. She is the co-founder of the lesbian sex magazine On Our Backs with Deborah Sundahl and Susie Bright. She brought self defined lesbian sex» into mainstream porn and taught women* how to strap on for sex. Bend over Boyfriend is now an international bestseller.

In her movie The Band the directress Anna Brownfield citically discuses the male-dominated music industry and conventionalizes the attributed potency of the musicans with cutting irony. At the same time female characters including groupies are repesented as equally powerful, as they know exactly how to satisfy their desires.