Poyes Award 2025

From October 18-20st the film award ceremony for feminist pornography will present sensual and consensual alternatives to mainstream pornography. Also, we are celebrating the 16-year existence of the award. This decade is characterized by a sexpositive movement that concentrates on feminist focus areas such as sexual knowledge transferral. Books and magazines about feminist porn were published; universities have taken on pornography as a research topic. We a sincerely happy about this positive response and the fact that a wide publicity has been created for realistic pornography together with a transformation of the erotic culture has been created.

The PorYes Feminist Porn Film Award was initiated by communication scientist, author and operator of the first feminist Sexshop Europe’s Sexclusivitaeten, Dr. Laura Méritt together with sex activist and photographer Polly Fannlaf. Since 2009, the award stands for respectful portrayal of all genders and a diverse sexuality. The public award is accompanied by dialogue sessions and a very sexy aftershow
party. All in the entire 3-day event is prepared by members oft he Freudenfluss Netzwerk- a loose network of volunteers and activists. The PorYes prize, the beautiful Oyster has been awarded to pioneers such as Candida Royalle, Annie Sprinkle & Joseph Kramer, Monika Treut, Shine Louise Houston oder queere Pornstars wie Jiz Lee, Buck Angel, Bishop Black and many more.

The Nominées 2025
… will be presented soon.

In the last year the focus was on the question of consciousness raising in (feminist) porn. Awarded were Deborah Sundahl as a sexpert and pioneer in female ejaculation and Erica Sarmet for her intergenerational lesbian and queer edecolonizing sex scenes. Popo Fan was awarded for his humourous and slow directing of attention.. Jamal Phoenix for presenting transmasculine black guy emotional pictures and the international performer grouop Aba Naia created in their live show audio and visual porn fantasies in our minds.. Prof. Mari Mikkola joined us as a porn philosopher.

The award ceremony will be opened by the director of the Theater Hebbel am Ufer Annemie Vanackeren. Laura Méritt and Janina Rook, comedienne, presenter and producer of the feminist comedy podcast Schamlos. will lead through the evening with the nominees, international guests and sexy clips.

*Event will be held in German and English. PorYes-AWARD in cooperation with HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin

Date: 18th of October 2025/ Time: 8 pm / Venue: Hebbel am Ufer Theater 10963 Berlin
PorYes-AWARD in cooperation with HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin: Tickets.